As a result of Mark Stanley, our Sales Director, socialising in his local public house with his policeman friend Paul Bucknall, who had been unshaven for a few days due to attending to his elderly father who was ill, the conversation got around to talking about facial hair and Mark and Paul decided to undertake a "Movember" project and remain unshaven for the whole of the month of November and raise money to buy Christmas Gifts for children. They were also joined by another policeman friend, Andrew Pennington.
All three sought sponsorship from their friends, acquantances and work colleagues. Mark would like to thank Dean Sherriff (Managing Director) and staff at Empire Tapes, along with Andrew and Paul's family, friends and colleagues from West Yorkshire Police Service who collectively raised a very considerable sum of money which was used to purchase new equipment and toys for the children's ward at Pinderfield's Hospital. The hospital staff having provided guidance on the most appropriate items to consider as gifts.
The gifts were formally presented to the hospital on Friday 2nd December 2016. The staff were delighted with what was provided, more than one hundred items including many portable DVD players as well as books and toys suitable for children up to eighteen years of age.